Pytloun City Boutique Hotel **** i Liberecký kraj

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TjekkietPytloun City Boutique Hotel ****



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655/9, Rumunská, 460 01, Liberec, Liberecký kraj, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 480 020 300
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.766364, Longitude: 15.058705

kommentar 5

  • Petr Novotny

    Petr Novotny


    Top hotel from design perspective. You can hear your hotel neighbours though. Staff of the restaurant was nice, receptionists not really. Amazing view from the restaurant terrace! Prosecco included in breakfast. Poor first aid kit at the reception. Difficult parking unless you go directly to the hotel garages.

  • en

    Paulius Rainys


    Ideal place to stay in Liberec city center. :)

  • en

    Paulius Rainys


    Very fine quality hotel in Liberec. Cozy location, almost at the downtown of Liberec. Very good room and delicious breakfast.

  • Rafal L

    Rafal L


    Very nice and big rooms. Very comfortable and clean. Good location. The view from the window was great.The room was quiet. The staff was nice and helpfull. The beds were comfortable to sleep. The breakfast was tasty. The price was affordable. The only drawback was that the toilet seat was loose. But overall I enjoyed staying there and I can recommend this hotel.

  • Robert Robles

    Robert Robles


    Amazing hotel with beautiful views. The price was really affordable as well. Super friendly staff. Would have been 5 stars but the music from the bar was too loud to sleep right away.

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