Liberec Heights i Liberec

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietLiberec Heights



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Wolkerova, 460 15, Liberec, Liberec, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 728 945 990
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.7782745, Longitude: 15.0917623

kommentar 5

  • NELA 11

    NELA 11


    Super 👌🏻

  • Екатерина Н

    Екатерина Н


    Nice and calm place. When we were there, there was a coop with hens and children fed them and seemed to be happy:)

  • Jan Forman

    Jan Forman


    Everything sucks except for the blonde waitress.

  • Yuvaraj Ramachandran

    Yuvaraj Ramachandran


    It costs 10czk with student card, ask people from restaurant bring a beer to top of tower and enjoy the amazing view.

  • D Quade

    D Quade


    Vysina is a like a mirage in the desert - only in the forest. It's situated on top of a hill along a well maintained trail network easily accessible from the Lidovy Sade tram stop (or you can drive or take a taxi to it on a paved road). The restaurant and beer is pretty good and the service is friendly and great. They have an outside dining area and patio where they butcher, smoke, and grill their meats. We celebrated Silvestr (New Year's Eve) here. They had a buffet (all night), absolutely delightful DJ that ensured everyone had a great time, bottle of wine and champagne per couple - for $21.50/person. Vysina also has rooms that seem cozy and well priced. Check out their website and you can see they put on several special events throughout the year. We lived in Liberec from 2010 - 2011 and I spent a lot of time on these trails. If Vysina had been open then, I would have spent a lot less time walking and much more sitting in this great hotel/pub.

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