Hotel Liberec i Liberec

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietHotel Liberec



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1345/6, náměstí Šaldovo, 460 01, Liberec, Liberec, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 482 710 028
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.7697571, Longitude: 15.060873

kommentar 5

  • Martin Dlask

    Martin Dlask


    Beautiful view, food could be cheaper, water is expensive. Nice place.

  • John Little

    John Little


    Surprisingly good and great value. An odd hotel in that the rooms are nicer than the reception. Don't get that in london 🦉🦉🤦🏼‍♀️🦉

  • Róża Paradowska

    Róża Paradowska


    Nice hotel with friendly staff situated in the city centre. Perfect view from the top floor. The breakfast was good. I feel the price was quite high.

  • Virut Kasemtanasak

    Virut Kasemtanasak


    Nice hôtel. It's in the central of Liberec. You cannot find other hotels that are more central than this. The room was very big and clean. Breakfast was very great. However I think the elevators here were a bit strange. The only bad thing here was wifi. They have so many wifi but non of them worked well while I was there. You can enjoy using internet, but if you can to do some video call or do something that really rely on the internet, it will be very difficult

  • Milan Martinec

    Milan Martinec


    Rooms were ok. Some of them have baths, which is nice. Staff on the reception was nice and helpful. Weirdly, food was either delicious or somewhat meh quality. Someone apparently thought, that orange and blue is a good combination of colors for inside decoration. From the outside the hotel looks like some remnants of a communist lodgins, however the location is cool, it's basically in the city center itself.

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