Apartment Stará Pekárna i Liberecký kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietApartment Stará Pekárna



🕗 åbningstider

26/13, náměstí Českých bratří, 460 05, Liberec, Liberecký kraj, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 773 317 097
internet side: www.stara-pekarna.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.765613, Longitude: 15.0614716

kommentar 5

  • Francesco



    The stay was pleasant, breakfast pretty good and spa avarage, but what happened to the check out completely ruined our experience. In the voucher was included a bottle of Sekt. This bottle was not in the room, neither in the spa. After the spa I asked about the bottle that was given to me. When checking out I found out two bottles were charged. I tryed to explain we never received the first one, But we were asked to pay. Fortunately, we did not open the bottle, so we returned it, but in the end part of the voucher was not full filed in that way. I understand mistakes can occur, but being accused of lying for me is unacceptable. Such a pity.

  • Štefan



    Veľmi pekné ubytovanie. Raňajky super. Parkovanie chránené vo dvore. Poloha ubytovania blízko stredu mesta. Doporučujem .

  • Danko Reljanovic

    Danko Reljanovic


    Nothing special, small room,small parking,girl at the reception was very kind,breakfast so so

  • 林琴鳳



    If you like the old architecture,you will love it, cozy bed and clean room and special small garden, it also takes 10 minutes walk to old town

  • Vlasta Zihla

    Vlasta Zihla


    Charming accommodation in the historic style. AD 1797

nærmeste Cafe

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