The Golden Lion / Zlatý Lev - Clarion Grandhotel i Liberecký kraj

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TjekkietThe Golden Lion / Zlatý Lev - Clarion Grandhotel



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3, Gutenbergova, 460 01, Liberec, Liberecký kraj, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 485 256 700
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.7687355, Longitude: 15.0614431

kommentar 5

  • jjflash1987



    Wonderful hotel! Very nice rooms. Helpful and friendly staff. The breakfast is very good with many items to select from.

  • Frank Bollmann

    Frank Bollmann


    Nice old style hotel, very clean and friendly service. Great breakfast Very close to the center of Liberec

  • Dezydery Z

    Dezydery Z


    Hotel is good in old-fashion retro style. Food ok, rooms clean and nice. The only problem is parking. It is small and it is hard to find a free place.

  • Sarah Follie

    Sarah Follie


    Wonderful experience! Very beautiful and classic hotel combined with a restaurant serving delicious food! The staff was very friendly. We had someone in a wheelchair who was taken well care off (e.g. Larger room, parkinspace,..) we also had some problems with our room card, but they handled it quickly and we were ready to go. Breakfast was large and yummy. Everything somebody could possible need. Dinner was delicious as well. Price was more than ok for that service! I will definitely recommend this hotel!

  • Kevin W

    Kevin W


    Nice hotel near the city center area of Liberec. Rooms are nice sized, especially the bathroom. Room amenities are good, bed could be a bit more comfortable. Had a little trouble sleeping. Breakfast selection is good, plenty of options for everyone's tastes. Everyone was very friendly, check in and checkout was quick and accurate.

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