Virtual Reality Dimension i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietVirtual Reality Dimension



🕗 åbningstider

8, V Jámě, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 222 930 210
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0799899, Longitude: 14.4248414

kommentar 5

  • en

    TheMad Scientist


    I'd rate this with - 1 if I could. I made a reservation for last friday at 14:00-15:00 and I paid online, because I didnt have cash. I went there as I was instructed through email, with15 minutes before the appointment. I arrived and no one was there, I rang the bell a couple of times, I called at the number listed in front, at the door, and no one answered. I even wrote them on facebook messenger, they saw my text and still no answer. I waited there in front for about 40 minutes and for nothing! Around 16:00 I received another email saying that my booking has been canceled. But still, my credit card was charged!!! So I paid 390 kc for an experiece that I didnt experiece!! I totally recommend to do anything else with the money, don't fall in this crappy tourist trap!

  • en

    Jakub Šesták


    super zažítek

  • en

    kat S


    Instructor was very nice and helpful.

  • Sean Straus

    Sean Straus


    Friendly staff, some decent experiences available. Money well spent in my opinion. While there were more I would have wished to see, I know it can be expensive to license every game out there. Hopefully over time they will add more.

  • en

    Tomáš Květoň


    Great experience for anyone

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