Thrill Park Prague i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietThrill Park Prague



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44, Žitná, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 774 413 313
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0771128, Longitude: 14.4286112

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ruby Cohen


    Such a great experience it was definitely a thrill! My girlfriend and I were too scared to do it and chickened out at first but the staff were so helpful and encouraged us to try and made us feel safer even tho it was extremely scary! We thought we were brave until we took our first steps we were embarrassed about how scared we were but it was amazing and I’d highly recommend thrill park!! So good STAFF WERE AMAZING AND SO FRIENDLY

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    Jake Buchanan


    I hate haunted houses. I WAS SO SCARED. It was so much scarier than I could have imagined but I had so much fun. Do not do this is if you are a big baby. My heart has been racing for hours. Be advised - it is very scary. I hated it. I had an amazing time. This was the highlight of Prague!

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    David La Galia


    Absolutely wonderful experience, terrifying but that is exactly what you want from the Thrill park. Staff were great and helpful. Easy to do and we didn't have to wait very long to play. Excellent experience ,very happy

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    cassie quinn


    My sister and I did the dungeon of horror today and without trying to give too much away, this is definitely a thrill seekers dream!... when the guy tells you at the start that it is intense, he isn't lying!.. but our advice is persevere and don't get added to the 'chicken' board! 😂 .. the staff are so accommodating and friendly (probably the friendliest people we came across in Prague) therefore I would highly recommend doing this experience as it was one of the highlights of our whole trip. Thank you Thrill Park!

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    Jill Gosselin


    This place is so scary! Awesome experience. I was SO scared, but I’m very happy I did and FINISHED!!!! Great staff. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for some fun! Go to the nightmare bar after! Completes the whole experience!

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