Puzzle Room Escape Game Prague i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietPuzzle Room Escape Game Prague



🕗 åbningstider

10, Čechova, 170 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Chequia
kontakter telefon: +420 603 841 483
internet side: www.puzzleroom.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.1007339, Longitude: 14.4216061

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alžběta Jeřábková


    Perfect experience! Thanks a lot!

  • en

    Jonathan Jarvis


    Good theme, beautifully decorated concept. The best part was how the room looked. The gamemaster was enthusiastic and informative. The puzzles need a bit of work though. as someone who has done a few escape rooms i found the puzzles simplistic and didnt fill up the full hour. We were done in 30 minutes so it makes you feel you didnt get your moneys worth. I imagine if other groups do take an hour on this room they are spending a lot of time on the same puzzles, or stuck with no progression - which is a bad philosophy for escape rooms. A bit of work on fleshing out more puzzles and im sure theyll get the balance right. There should be constant puzzling throughout the hour and hints dropped as required to get all levels of ability through to the finish line.

  • Malvína Benešová

    Malvína Benešová


    Super zážitek (hráli jsme golema), vstřícný a milý personál, skvěle dostupné

  • en

    Stephen O' Reilly


    Had a great time here, we did the spaced themed escape room. There was 4 people in our group and completed it in time. The gentleman working there really got into character and made the experience even better. 10/10 would definitely go here if you're looking for an escape room.

  • Veru Šimková

    Veru Šimková


    S přáteli jsme absolvovali další escape game tentokrát na téma Golem, tato hra nám přišla jako jedna z lehčích, ale i tak jsme měli radost z dobrého času ve kterém jsme unikli. Velmi příjemný personál. Příště vyzkoušíme další hry.

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