aquacentrum Šutka i Hlavní město Praha

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Tjekkietaquacentrum Šutka



🕗 åbningstider

41, Čimická, 182 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 266 610 711
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.126128, Longitude: 14.436259

kommentar 5

  • Katarzyna Górska

    Katarzyna Górska


    It's an okay place but don't expect too much. They have 2 big slides however they're not very fast or ' difficult '. There's only one pool and then one swimming pool with lines for actual swimming. Outside area is very small and there's nothing in there except of some beds you can lay down on. It's nice for one time but I wouldn't go back there.

  • Antonina Jarmonova

    Antonina Jarmonova


    Good size aqua centrum, have pools for the smaller ones. Food is junk. Not that great as Aquapalace and not that much chipper as we thought it would be.

  • Václav Vislous

    Václav Vislous


    Great public swimming pool/wellness/sauna. Gets busy sometimes, especially for regular swimming and sauna, but you can check current amd historic occupancy to avoid that. Swimming pool is amazing, one of the few 50m long ones with UV tech, so almost no chlorine (you can't smell/feel any at all). Sauna is great with two 90°C rooms and a pair of outside cooling pools around 9-10°C. For regular/repeat visits, the loyalty program is really worth it. The wellness is nothing special, but when there are not many people going up&down the toboggan is great.

  • en



    Used 50m indoor. Facilities big enough to allow the place to not feel crowded. Friendly lifeguard, with some English, explained the lanes.

  • en

    Simona Švandelíková


    Great family aqua center. Divided swimming area from fun kids area. Saunas are also separated from rest so you can enjoy it in peace. I was very pleasantly surprised. Only thing is that it's quite noisy.

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