Pytloun Grand Hotel**** Imperial i Liberecký kraj

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TjekkietPytloun Grand Hotel**** Imperial



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757/29, 1. máje, 460 07, Liberec, Liberecký kraj, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 608 822 822
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Latitude: 50.7640292, Longitude: 15.0504735

kommentar 5

  • Tony Chote

    Tony Chote


    Incompetent staff. Hotel location is good with nice interior design. However, staff is very lack of service mind. When I got back to my room in the evening and hot water not working nor telephone so I walked down to get a help from reception. With unfriendly welcome face, he walked up to check the shower(basically just did as normal people do, turn shower to hot water) and it didn't work. Then he said to me to wait for tomorrow morning when technician comes. I was surprise. Without trying any further or even call someone, he just said straight to my face that he didn't make water to be like this. That when I got mad and asked him to leave the room. This tells that not only bad staff(not all of them but I experience a few during my stay), the hotel has no spare solution , if there is a blackout ,expect no spare electricity, no hot water, best is for you to wait, if there is any problem during the stay I don't think they will take any responsibility either . I am sure general people would not pay big money for such a hotel where services and solution to pronlem are absolutely absent.

  • en

    Gary Jones


    Easiest the best hotel I stayed in in this Country in the last 15 years. Simply excellent. A must to stay at

  • magnusdk121



    Nice hotel and extremely fair prices, but as you look around the hotel you'll realise that there is a lot of lackluster fixes to the hotel, such as the sink nok being secured to the table.

  • en

    Wayward Writer


    Solid with awesome, American-Czech and more, buffet, comfortable bed, great whirlpool tub, would've been 5 stars but the AC wasn't great

  • en

    Martin POKORNÝ


    Very friendly and helpful staff (a real personal approax and care). Luxury breakfast, tasty food and nice atmosphere. Unique design rooms (some extra cost) - each of them was designed by a different architect, therefore they are completely different. Interior lights with changeable colours (mood lights), really big screen LCD TVs and comfortable sleep (3 sizes of pillows). Great cuisine, especially the daily menu was a bargain with great value for money ratio.

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