Wellness Pytloun Travel Hotel *** Liberec i Liberec 9

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TjekkietWellness Pytloun Travel Hotel *** Liberec



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70, Volgogradská, 460 09, Liberec 9, Liberec, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 774 484 002
internet side: www.travel-hotel-liberec.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.755048, Longitude: 15.031001

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martin Krátký


    Super obsluha😀

  • Piotr Cezary Mieczkowski

    Piotr Cezary Mieczkowski


    Nice, cozy place, but sometimes they don't have English-speaking personnel on hand.

  • Ondrej Zika

    Ondrej Zika


    The room was quite dirty and literally in the attic. The breakfast and service on the other hand were outstanding.

  • en

    Montaqua Sp. Z. O. O


    Minus: We chose this hotel with swimming pool and sauna to relax, regenerate on the break of motorbike tour. We could not do that because the pool, the sauna and the whole wellness area were reserved. It was free at midnight only. There was no information before. Neither on the website nor on the booking. A group of young girls screamed at a party in the room below all night, unthinkable! Service did not do anything about it. The room was very small, a half meter around the bed, a small table, a clothes rack and a tiny bathroom, parking without any gates, we were afraid to leave a motorbike there because the neighborhood was unattractive, old houses, destroyed driveway, alcohol shop not far away. Plus: się: Wyśmienite bogate śniadanie, tylko kilka km do Góry Jested, w pokoju kawa, herbata, czajnik. Parking bez opłat. Exquisite rich breakfast, only a few km to Mount Jested, in room coffee, tea, kettle. Parking free of charge.

  • Gergely Patkás

    Gergely Patkás


    This hotel chain is probably the most professional in this area.

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