River Camping Prague i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietRiver Camping Prague


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171 00 Praha-Troja, Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 607 048 800
internet side: www.rivercampingprague.com
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Latitude: 50.1139661, Longitude: 14.426618

kommentar 5

  • funkypete5511



    Not bad. Cheap and cramped. Very noisy music from near the river

  • en

    Laura Faber


    Good camping for a prague visit. Close to the tram or you can walk to the city centre.

  • Vaisakhan Sanu

    Vaisakhan Sanu


    Really Nice place by the side of the lake. One quick tram ride from the City Center.

  • Moni R.

    Moni R.


    Cozy camping place. The staff are friendly and always willing to help. It is also short walking distance to a tram station. Reservation is important though as there are only limited space.

  • en

    Sarah Tabares


    Nice little camping. It is necessary to make a reservation since it has limited space. During our stay bathrooms were clean, and most people at the reception were very helpful. You can rent bikes to go to town or at around 200 my you can find the tram station to take you to Prague's downtown. If you don't feel like walking Uber ride was around d 5 euros which is really affordable since a ticket for public transportation for the entire day is about 4 euros. I recommend

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