PRAGUE ESCAPE ROOMS i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12, Na Příkopě, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 775 958 438
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Latitude: 50.085161, Longitude: 14.425284

kommentar 5

  • Jurgen Rekkers

    Jurgen Rekkers


    Not an experienced player, but I liked the place. It looks professional, friendly staff, good explanation in English and the room was fun.

  • en

    Rob Malcolm


    Enjoyed our experience of the communist theme escape. There were only two of us and would have been better with at least one more as there is a lot of ground to cover (literally). Some nice unexpected twists which I hadn't seen in other escape rooms.

  • Sindre Hegre

    Sindre Hegre


    A bit hard to find and the woman who worked there did not speak very good English. Other than that it was fun an not too pricy if you come as a group

  • Nerea J

    Nerea J


    Awesome place! We played the Communist Czechoslovakia room and it was a great one. Nice staff too. Recommend 100%. Will try other rooms they have available soon :)

  • en

    Scott Kühne


    Great game and fantastic experience. We had so much fun. You're in Prague? Move to the Escape Room! You'll love it. We were a group of 5 friends and we played for the first time. At least we finished the Communist Game just with 5min on the clock. We come back! 10 out of 10, would do again.

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