MindMaze Prague i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietMindMaze Prague



🕗 åbningstider

9, Tyršova, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 773 044 318
internet side: www.mindmaze.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.0729875, Longitude: 14.4311133

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tiffany Francisco


    I've done a ton of escape games both in the US, and in Europe and I have to say that this company has made the best ones I've ever done. I did three different games with them, two of which are at this location , and I have to say the level of attention to detail and immersion is amazing. Everyone that works there is incredibly nice too, and really want you to have a good time. They take a picture of you and send it to you, and they give you a cool magnetic souvenir that has your game end time on it. You will not regret going to an escape game with these guys, I would definitely recommend doing the Galactic Pioneers game as well, housed at their other location.

  • Kasia Chmielińska

    Kasia Chmielińska


    Good fun for all ages. Interesting, engaging and very climactic. Highly recommended!

  • Alexander Schröder

    Alexander Schröder


    Really good escape room with new and clever riddles. We really enjoyed our game in the alchemist's chamber! Furthermore online reservation is made really easy and you'll get reminders via email.

  • E.J.Russell



    A very fun establishment. The staff are quite welcoming and friendly and set the mood for you. The alchemist escape room is great, quite hard but well prepared. If you are into escape rooms, then I would definitely recommend Mind Maze.

  • Billy Björling

    Billy Björling


    I would say it's a fairly standard Escape Room activity, although it's fun with a different storyline/mission than you've done before. We were a group of friends and had a blast with the 'Alchemist's Chamber Battle Game' mission where we raced each other to the finish line. I would recommend this if you like Escape Rooms and are in Prague.

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