The Old-New Synagogue i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietThe Old-New Synagogue


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18, Maiselova, 110 01, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 224 800 812
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Latitude: 50.0900716, Longitude: 14.4186049

kommentar 5

  • Elkanan Avilev

    Elkanan Avilev


    Very unique. Worth the visit.

  • Mathilde Tassin

    Mathilde Tassin


    A place with deep history but the visit is very quick and a bit expensive for what to see

  • Vittorio Mazzia

    Vittorio Mazzia


    It is really too expensive to purchase a ticket only for this place. It is better to buy a cumulative packet but it's still pretty expensive for what it offers.

  • Anand Chandra

    Anand Chandra


    A place with lot of history and culture associated. Probably the oldest Synagogue in central Europe (probably world, but not sure). Its located close to Jewish cemetery, again a unique place (Jewish cemetery - an 14 stories setup underground with more than 200,000 bodies buried between them). Old-new Synagogue is beautiful and must visit place. It's sad that two - three stories of its part is buried under water due to several floodings over centuries. It's walkable from main Street and also has bit of local souvenir options around it. If you are in the area, you must visit as it has amazing history associated with it.

  • Veronika Jirasek

    Veronika Jirasek


    Definitelly a place to visit. It is an oldest synagoge in Central Europe, standing in the part of the Old Town called Josefov. There are more jewish related places and museums around - it used to be a ghetto and nowdays, you can find there for example memmorials of World War II...

nærmeste Synagoge

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