Jerusalem Synagogue i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietJerusalem Synagogue



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Jeruzalémská 1310/7, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 224 800 849
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0847038, Longitude: 14.4320204

kommentar 5

  • en

    Blair Fotheringham


    Beautiful, colourful building. I was taken aback as it is basically down a side street

  • Joe Paddy Rickerby

    Joe Paddy Rickerby


    My father and I saw this fabulous synagogue while going on a holiday/trip to Prague in July 2016 and it is the most beautiful synagogue we ever saw. We didn't go inside this synagogue because we're Roman Catholics (Christians) we're afraid but we just saw it outside. Anyway, we are the visitors from Dublin, Ireland.

  • en

    Harry Newman


    Tells the story of Czech Judaism through it's places and people in a personal and moving way. So sad yet still hopeful. I hope.

  • en

    Sandy Chan


    Both the exterior and interior of the synagogue is worth checking out. It's not located in the Jewish Quarter in Prague but worth the trek to see some amazing Art Nouveau and Moorish architecture.

  • Suzie Dean

    Suzie Dean


    Gerat colorfull architecture vlose to tram stop

nærmeste Synagoge

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