CCC Czech s.r.o. i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietCCC Czech s.r.o.



🕗 åbningstider

30, Spálená, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 222 231 095
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0813735, Longitude: 14.4198071

kommentar 2

  • Laura Honey

    Laura Honey


  • Ayye Captain

    Ayye Captain


    I was unable to find the shoes I needed at all so I went to CCC- the sales ladies did not seem to want to help. It's ok, I really only needed a pair of black pumps for a last minute purpose, but did not find them anywhere. I bought some black heels from here hoping they would do- I DIDNT EVEN TAKE THEM FROM THE BOX. Lucky me to have a friend bring my pumps back home over night. Thrilled to have the shoes I needed, I went back to the CCC at Quadrio shopping center to return these shoes. Arriving with my friend to the store I received the rudest possible looks from the woman and the cash register as I walked in. I told her how I had literally bought these shoes 24hours ago. She was like "and what?" Sharply and like I was in the wrong. I told her how I didn't need 3pairs of black heels and didn't need these anymore. She literally scoffed at me, and rolled her eyes and told me I can only exchange the shoes for something else in a store. I walked around to see but nothing caught my eye as my friend tried to get an answer as to why I can't get a full return or even just a gift card, but the lady pretended like she didn't hear her. SHE EVEN SPOKE TO HER IN CZECH but still was ignored. This woman was so rude, and so unhelpful. At this point, I am more surprised by how awfully we were treated over a $45 pair of shoes being returned than I am upset about having to keep the shoes.

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