Prague City Hall i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietPrague City Hall



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2, Mariánské náměstí, 110 00, Praha 1, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 236 001 111
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0871095, Longitude: 14.4178354

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nate Miller


    I stopped in with a couple friends to find the paternoser, and use the free bathrooms. It was great, and it's good to see that it's not overrun with people who have heard of the cool elevator (and free toilets). Was there too late to enjoy the reasonably priced buffet!

  • en

    Jordan Mendez


    The paternoster is working as of late May 2017! My 4 year old daughter loved it! Also right next to it is a restaurant ("bufet") with super cheap meals (options change daily) and tasty snacks. They accept credit cards! Only open until 3 PM most days and 2 PM on Friday. They also have Coke for half the price as all the touristy spots just a few minutes walk away.

  • Peter Ross

    Peter Ross


    The paternoser elevator is extremely fun and interesting and was a highlight of our trip. As I write this the lift is under maintenance and doesn't look anywhere near finished so if you are reading this within a few months of my review there is another paternoser elevator in Skoduv palac 10 minutes away.

  • Kyle Jones

    Kyle Jones


    Great little bistro in the back. Very cool hidden elevator system. Free bathrooms.

  • Jui Hong Teoh

    Jui Hong Teoh


    Right on the small Mariánské náměstí is the office of the Prague city mayor. This is the Prague City Hall, constructed in the early 1900s. In keeping with the new buildings of the era, the City Hall is designed in the Art Nouveau style.

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