New Town Hall i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietNew Town Hall



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23, Karlovo náměstí, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 224 948 229
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0781469, Longitude: 14.4212693

kommentar 5

  • D.A.



    Nice town hall.

  • Anastasiya Lysyuk

    Anastasiya Lysyuk


    Highly recommend to visit Nieviditelna Vystava in this location. Unforgettable experience. If you do not know, how to change the way you perceive your life and yourself just go there, spend one hour and be ready to be happy. Amazing place, amazing people, amazing guides. For one hour you become 'blind' in completely dark space and your only guide is a voice of originally blind person. To say that I liked it means to say nothing. It was crazy,it was amazing, the best emotions in my life during the last 6 months.

  • Lia Jer

    Lia Jer


    Beautiful and Historical location in Prague, I was in the annual whiskey festival "Whisky Life Prague" 2016 and 2017 with a number of 160 different whiskeis form all over the world!

  • Tom Jirinec

    Tom Jirinec


    An impressive place from the outside. The surroundings are interesting as well.

  • Erin Larter

    Erin Larter


    Adorable and friendly man working the desk, photographs on the climb up, beautiful views, and some history of the city development for a fair price. A nice different perspective of the city from above!

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