Yes Burger i Praha 3

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TjekkietYes Burger



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14, Seifertova, 130 00, Praha 3, Praha 3, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 608 368 358
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0846681, Longitude: 14.4470323

kommentar 5

  • en

    Piotr Wronski


    Not good by any means 24/7. Came by late night and it was completely closed. Neighborhood had nothing relevant either. Locals said it was mediocre at best, even if you made it past the wait.

  • Lars U

    Lars U


    May seem strange at first sight but really good burgers 👌🏽

  • Grim Skunk

    Grim Skunk


    The place is grimy and even waiting 5 minutes in there will have you smell like the grease they cook everything in. The offer too vast and too complicated. The burger is over salted, a typical Czech trait unfortunately. Some we ordered were under cooked, others overcooked. Toppings are the usual but the bun was again either burnt or just not grilled. Most ppl will not want a grilled bun.There is absolutely nothing special about the food. The interior may look quirky but if you look close, cleanliness isn't a high priority. This place is very popular with the backpackers for the simple fact, cheap food, cheep beer. For a better burger go across the street to Sklep or go through the Zizkov tunnel to Pete's Burger Pub. I for one will never ever have a burger from this place again.

  • en

    tony tc


    This is my second favorite burger place in Prague. Amazing burgers but also a bit cheaper than the other places that do burgers at this quality. Great little quirky restaurant with fast service. I heard they do other food, mainly Mexican, but why would you have anything else when the burgers are this good?

  • Bucket of Doom

    Bucket of Doom


    One of few restaurants that will serve food late! In czech republic, restaurants don't serve food, so its a miracle when you do find a place that does! The food is average but so is the price and time to make it, so its okay. Its not a place to book table or take a loved one. Its more of a last resort, but a good last resort! If you are a tourist that is used to eat dinner late, here is a place that's open til 00:00!

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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