Výtopna Railway Restaurant - Václavské náměstí i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietVýtopna Railway Restaurant - Václavské náměstí



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802/56, Václavské náměstí, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 775 444 554
internet side: vytopna.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.0802008, Longitude: 14.4285966

kommentar 5

  • Ana Brateljevic

    Ana Brateljevic


    I visited this place few days ago and loved the concept. The drinks are coming by little trains and the railway is going all around the restaurant. My compliments for the idea! The only thing I did not like is that pizza was not very good...quite dry..was expecting much more for such a touristic and popular place as this.

  • Kelly Daniels

    Kelly Daniels


    Your drinks get delivered by train, nice to see. The food wasn't that great. Home made lemonade was good.

  • Faruk Demircioglu

    Faruk Demircioglu


    It is a unique restaurant/bar. Service (only the drinks) are done by trains which comes to your table directly. Menu is international I can say, you can find pretty much everything from pizza to Czech goulash. By the way, the restaurant charges CZK 25 from every person as a service charge for trains (maintenance+innovation).

  • Cinthia Arena

    Cinthia Arena


    We will never forget the chicken and bacon salad we went back three times for. Eduard made our first visit really nice and we had a great time! Fair prices and nice food, recommend

  • en

    Ali Rose


    We did not have a problem queueing since we booked beforehand (which was very easy to do, if you’re reading all these reviews just book!). The train delivery of drinks is a very simple but entertaining idea! You could see people of all ages enjoying it, and drinks arrived very quickly after ordering! We also got a pizza (okay), and a salad and some chips (both good but very small portions!). If I came again it would just be for drinks, since I’m sure you can get better food in central Prague, but the beer was delicious, fun atmosphere and the staff were really friendly and attentive.

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