V. J. Rousek i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietV. J. Rousek



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9, náměstí Bratří Synků, 140 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 241 741 022
internet side: www.vjrousek.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.0638926, Longitude: 14.440958

kommentar 5

  • Lukas Sirucek

    Lukas Sirucek


    I know they sell everything you need and for good price, but every time I go there to buy something from the electricity department, I’m afraid to ask about anything. Experienced anti social behaviour against an elderly man once and somehow missing the customer service I’m used to from the uk. But it might be just my personal experience.

  • kilip frasny

    kilip frasny


    Nejlepsi zelezarstvi a hobby shop v okoli. Best hobby shop arround )

  • en

    Lawrence Kwolek


    This is a store for dreaming. Builders, craftsmen and hobbyists can find every kind of tool, and obscure nut bolt nail or fastener here. Lots of traditional czech products with more and more Western /international products being added all the time. Only wish it had more room to expand. It could be twice as big and still grow more.

  • Brant Hoekstra

    Brant Hoekstra


    Great hardware store. Not huge, but excellent selection of fittings and fasteners. Covers a variety of needs: power tools, hang tools, hardware, caulk, bathroom, furnace and closets.

  • Jay Mart

    Jay Mart


    We come to Prague once a year and always visit V.J. Rousek on namesti Bratri Synku. We always receive great service and enjoy variety of items you have available, especially in Kuchynske potreby. We always find something interesting to buy and bring home to Canada. This time, 31.3.2015 at 17:48, we were very impressed by the saleslady working in Kuchynska potreby. She was very knowledgeable about merchandise, pleasant a friendly, gave a good advice and at the end packed our purchase so well, that we can carry it as on flight luggage without worry of breaking it. Thanks to her wrapping skill, I could buy all I wanted. We spent almost 1200,00 with pleasure and will recommend your shop to anyone who will need anything for their home. Prijizdime do Prahy jednou rocne a vzdy navstivime V.J. Rousek na namesti Bratri Synku. Pokazde mame velmi dobrou obsluhu, vyber nam udela radost, zvlaste v Kuchynskych potrebach. Vzdy najdeme neco zajimaveho cim si vylepsime kuchyn v Kanade. Tentokrat, 31.3.2015 v 17.48, jsme byly vyborne obslouzeny pani v Kuchynskych potrebach. Pani byla prijemna a pratelska, dobre poradila a navic zabalila nas nakup tak dobre, ze si ho muzeme vzit na letadlo. do Kanady. Diky sikovnosti teto pani prodavacky a schopnosti vse dobre zabalit, jsem si mohla bez obav, ze se to rozbije, koupit vse co jsem chtela. Utratily jsme skoro 1200,00 s radosti a doporucime vas obchod komukoliv kdo potrebuje neco pro svuj domov.

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