UniCredit Bank - bankomat i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietUniCredit Bank - bankomat



🕗 åbningstider

29, Jugoslávská, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechy
kontakter telefon: +420 955 959 845
internet side: www.unicreditbank.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.07553, Longitude: 14.4347158

kommentar 5

  • Calum McGregor

    Calum McGregor


    Was with Unicredit for a little while, and quickly switched to Raiffeisen. The staff are EXTREMELY rude, service is awful, they have little to no concern about your time. The staff don't care if you stay or leave. Their online portal is difficult to navigate. I took a withdraw from an ATM and for SOME reason their computer system DOUBLED THE AMOUNT I WITHDREW. It took me more than an hour to convince them that there was an issue, the staff simply refused to believe me even when I showed them the receipt from the atm. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME.

  • Michal Kocourek

    Michal Kocourek


  • en

    ahmadmazin Witwit


    Time is not important there you feel the staff are not interested in their work .

  • Андрій Садовник

    Андрій Садовник


    Очень доволен всем рекомендую.

  • Libor Uhlík

    Libor Uhlík


    Byl jsem zde zakládat účet a všechno v pohodě, ochotní pracovníci, vyřízeno ke spokojenosti.

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