Techmania Science Center i Plzeňský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietTechmania Science Center



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U Planetária 2969/1, 301 00 Plzeň, Česká republika, 301 00 Plzeň, Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 737 247 581
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.7405352, Longitude: 13.3622256

kommentar 5

  • Mehrdad Agah

    Mehrdad Agah


    Better than many science museums and not crowded (both for young kids as well as the parent). Assign a whole day and take you time (unfortunately we arrived around 15:00 and on weekdays they close on 17:00).

  • O J Marin

    O J Marin


    Excellent place for learning and fun. For all ages.

  • Matthew Geier

    Matthew Geier


    Fun interactive science displays. QR codes link to multi language descriptions on their web site that you access via free Wi-fi, so even good if you can't read Czech.

  • en

    Petr Novotny


    Excelent 3D planetarium and mindful exhibition, good for perception of elementary physics, chemistry, astronomics etc.

  • Adam Lewis

    Adam Lewis


    We really enjoyed the 3D movie in the planetarium, it was really educational for children, however it was a tad slow and it put one of the kids to sleep (not a bad thing). The main science museum could be great but unfortunately when we visited around 50℅ of the features were either closed (and labeled out of order) or were damaged. The damaged/broken features just left the kids confused as to what it should be trying to show them, or what they were doing wrong. The canteen was basic but sufficient. There was a reasonable choice of sandwiches and soft drinks. If the queue got too bad there are also vending machines. The staff were friendly although there was little interaction beyond the reception and the canteen. We are thinking of coming back next year to give them another chance as this place has great potential.

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