Squash Haštal i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietSquash Haštal



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20, Haštalská, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 224 828 561
internet side: www.squash-hastal.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.091151, Longitude: 14.4257563

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jorge Navarrete


    my friends and I were called the day after our visit and accused of stealing a racket without any proof, the staff made false accusations and threatened us saying they had called the police... terrible experience, not going back there

  • en

    Roel Freriks


    Used to come here regularly, until my friend was accused from stealing a racket and was threatened that police was being called(?!). We booked two courts and were asked multiple times "if we were going to pay", WHILE we were playing. We always have paid after our games, which is what every player there is doing as far as I have seen. Then, next day my friend got called and was accused of stealing a racket and the call was ended with "bring the racket or we call the police". Then 20 minutes later it was handled by a TEXT message "we found the racket." Never experienced this kind of behaviour in any of the other squash places in Prague and I will not return to Squash Haštal with my colleagues and friends.

  • Paul Rathke

    Paul Rathke


    Squash Hastal was my most favourite Squash place I visited so far in Prague. I would consider myself as a regular customer, also bringing loads of friends along. Until today. The service turned out to expose the most unprofessional allegation towards one of my fellows and me stealing one of the rackets and threatening with calling the police. Ironically they found the racket a short while after the threat themselves. I sincerely hope they gonna improve the service in such crutial situations. Me and as well all my friends are done with this place.

  • en

    Mihail Yonkov


    I have visited the place couple of times. Everything was ok until I received an accusation of stealing a racket via phone with threats that police will be called if I don't return the racket till the end of the day. They guy on the phone was very rude and obviously acted impulsively because he did not even check the cameras at the reception. He found the racket 30 min later... After such a treatment I don't think that neither me nor the other 3 colleagues that I played with will ever visit that place again.

  • Stiv Malakjan

    Stiv Malakjan


    Good courts, six of those with air-conditioning. Normal hour prices.

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