Sparkys i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Havířská, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 224 239 309
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0855807, Longitude: 14.4237779

kommentar 5

  • Rick Graham

    Rick Graham


    Great selection, friendly staff.

  • Hila Balas

    Hila Balas


    An ok toys store, mostly for infants and not so mach for childern. There's three floors, on the first floor you can find cloths as well. If you looking for something don't bother to ask the store staff because they hardly understand a few words in English. I went up and down for notting after talking to three different people and it's better if you search what ever you like by yourself. If you're looking for something specific then it will be better to come with a picture or look at their website.

  • Anthony Ta

    Anthony Ta


    We bought some krteks here and the staff was very helpful and friendly, love Czech people!

  • mali Schwartz

    mali Schwartz


    A lot of toys. Low priced

  • Tomas Havranek

    Tomas Havranek


    Best toy store in Prague. It has 5 different floors each with different type of toys and a huge selection. You are guaranteed to be able to pick something here. The prices aren't the lowest, but they could be worse. The staff are helpful if you have any questions. I wouldn't say that they have too many special products, but the selection is huge. They also have a lot of toys on display, which is nice.

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