Rocky O'Reilly's i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietRocky O'Reilly's



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32, Štěpánská, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 222 231 060
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0795, Longitude: 14.426035

kommentar 5

  • Tero Heino

    Tero Heino


    Decent pub. visited for couple of times and no matter what day it felt that there is always a stag party ongoing. so it was a bit noisy but you were left alone and it still felt a place where you could spend hours. the smaller pub side was my personal favourite. prices were okayish and staff wqs superb.

  • en

    Emma Sheffield


    Fantastic and tasty food big portions and definitely value for money. Lovely friendly staff very welcoming and cater too your every need. Brilliant for watching sports

  • Vicky Andrews

    Vicky Andrews


    This pub is advertised as the biggest Irish pub in Prague and indeed it's pretty big and very Irish. If for some reason you are tired of Prague and want a taste of Ireland just go there, with an all-green walls, few big TVs showing sports an good Irish/English lads being loud over a pint of cold beer you will most certainly do. The food is good, but will not knock you off the chair. Drinks selection is pretty impressive with some very non typical for Prague options (Irish, what else?). The prices are a bit higher that most other pubs. The staff was very friendly and the service was fast.

  • en

    Gerard Farrell


    Great pub. Nice to find an Irish place over there. American bar man is very good and even gave us a list of places to see. 3/4 way through our first drink an English stag party who were very noisy came in. They were immediately told to quite down as they wernt the only people in the bar. We waited and a few more beers !!!!! Kudos to the bar man

  • en

    Natalia Danilovich


    It’s a nice pub to watch sports with a group of friends. For a big game, it’s important to book table in advance - you can be sure it’ll get full. Food is great, beer is good, wine is drinkable. Prices unfortunately are quite high, but so is any Irish pub in Prague, because it’s mainly oriented at Western tourists willing to pay this price. Service is good and waitresses are friendly.

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