Residence U Černého Orla i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietResidence U Černého Orla



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279/11, Mostecká, 118 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 257 535 061
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.087243, Longitude: 14.4057279

kommentar 5

  • Oleg Malinowski ex.Upatov

    Oleg Malinowski ex.Upatov


    Everything was BAD. soups heated in MW, pasta wasn't fresh, and saltimbocca's relation to traditional one was completely coincidental. Avoid this place!!!

  • en

    Bekzod Sabirov


    Just in the centre of PRG, love the matress in the room. Amazing hotel to relax and be in the viscinty to the local sightseeing. You won't regret if you stay.

  • en

    Ulrico Carballo Figueroa


    We were only for dinner there and I have to say, it was delicious! The pork ribs felt from the bone by themselves! The staff is very friendly and committed. One of the best restaurants we tried in Prague.

  • A. R.

    A. R.


    It was delicious soup but it was a quite small portion because of to much bread left inside. Evening would be ok, if only: the waiter asked "is evening fine?", we gave him friendly & honest answer, on which, he was made and said that he did not want any feedbacks. Moreover, it is overpriced here.

  • Anja Wax

    Anja Wax


    Very comfortable rooms. Staff is extremely friendly and helpful! The breakfast is outstanding. The hotel is in a very convenient location, right by Charles bridge and within walking distance to the castle. There's no elevator though and there are 3 floors

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