Parkhotel Richmond i Karlovy Vary

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietParkhotel Richmond


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567/3, Slovenská, 360 01, Karlovy Vary, Karlovy Vary, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 353 177 111
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.2173778, Longitude: 12.891365

kommentar 5

  • Al Al

    Al Al


    Big expensive place. Good for old people

  • Наталья Алексеюк

    Наталья Алексеюк


    It's really fantastic hotel!

  • Harry Bouras

    Harry Bouras


    Greatly historic hotel! A place where soul and mind relaxes!

  • Chai Beseret

    Chai Beseret


    The worst hotel that I have ever been to, we live in Germany but forgot our passport at home so when we checked in the reception told us that we needed to give in our passes we had pictures but they said it wasn't enough after 5 minutes of discussion they said that it was all cleared so we gave them a tipp so that it will be solved. At 2 am we got a phone call from the reception that we need to get down to the lobby and the police were waiting for us, they told us that we needed to pay a 50€ fine. When we came the next morning for breakfast we surprisingly saw 4 huge pictures of the owners ( probably ) one holding a dog and a walking stick and so on... The rooms were dirty and unclean. If there was a 0 star I would give them that.

  • Asger Hegelund

    Asger Hegelund


    Good service. Plenty of space. Their English could be better, but is sufficient to get by. Price range in the middle class so pretty much everyone can afford to come here. Treatments -

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