Old Jewish Cemetery i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietOld Jewish Cemetery


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Široká, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 222 749 211
internet side: www.jewishmuseum.cz
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Latitude: 50.0894826, Longitude: 14.4174435

kommentar 5

  • David Graves

    David Graves


    I understand why they charge such an outrageous price to visit an old cemetery (in central Prague, overrun by tourists), but it really is a shame.

  • Paddy



    Absolute trash. We waited for 45min in the queue and at the end of the queue when we wanted to buy the tickets we were told that Credit cards weren't accepted. Why can't there be signs that say this beforehand ? It would have saved us lots of time and frustration. I do not recommend seeing this place. Plus it costs so much, 300Kz per person. It really is Jew after all !

  • Ramon van der Werf

    Ramon van der Werf


    A beautiful cemetery, which breathes a particular atmosphere. A must see, although I realize that this review sounds awkward for a cemetery. Prague has a history with the Jewish community that really suffered from the second world war. In the museum next to the cemetery the evidence of what happened is on display...... This caused a moment of silence.

  • en



    A magical place. Can't be put in any other way. You feel like you are in a fantasy movie. The whole atmosphere is breathtaking. Never have humble monuments of death begotten so much beauty.

  • Alyssa Becker

    Alyssa Becker


    We visited the Jewish Cemetery independent of a guide as part of our self-guided tour of the Jewish Quarter in Prague. While we preferred the freedom of not having a guide, we were a little sad we didn't have one, as we wanted to learn more during our visit to the cemetery. The Cemetery is beautiful and moving, and a must-see site. However, there is no brochure or signs or anything to help give history of context as you are moving through. So either bring a guide or bring a guidebook, if that matters to you. That being said - a very worthy and beautiful place to visit. So quiet and serene (except the occasional less-than-respectful tour group). Note: entrance is included as part of the "Jewish Museum" ticket - you cannot pay to enter just this site. It is 500 czk for entrance to all the sites.

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