MR.PARKIT Ltd. - OFFICE i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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28, Balbínova, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 730 513 544
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0792871, Longitude: 14.4358398

kommentar 5

  • Witek Chaberko

    Witek Chaberko


    Very good location!! Very easy to use with the phone number only!! Very good price!! I trully recommend...

  • en

    Hana Meijer


    I used Mr. Parkit several times and was happy with their services each time. The instruction is very clear on their website, so the use is very easy and efficient. I will definitely use their parking services again.

  • en

    Jiri Svoboda


    You will get what you pay for. Very small place for a car. The advertised maximum width 2,5m is without opening a door at all and probably without taking mirrors into account. Moreover, when the garage is full, you need to park your car for about 15 minutes before you finally put the car into your parking spot due to the limited space on the sides, and also limited space behind the car. The photos are well made and make the feeling that the space is bigger than in reality. No cell phone signal inside the garage as well on my new Samsung phone. Finally, I would recommend only if you are on a budget and want to save some money.

  • en

    Sebastian Ittner


    25 min delay, small place for car (opel corsa) unable to reach the staff. Still the cheapest for 3-7 days stay.

  • Dave Watson

    Dave Watson


    Super. Great way to get parking for short and long stays....

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