Mercure Ostrava Center Hotel i Moravskoslezský kraj

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TjekkietMercure Ostrava Center Hotel



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Ceskobratrska 18/1742, 702 00 Ostrava, Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 595 606 600
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.8392937, Longitude: 18.2881433

kommentar 5

  • Tomáš Dušenka

    Tomáš Dušenka


    Really great hotel close to townhall and Stodolni street

  • en

    Derek Gilbert


    Staff friendly. Service good. Would stay again.

  • Patrik Landberg

    Patrik Landberg


    Stayed for 3 nights. Good location of the hotel. Had the suite with free mini bar e.g. soft drinks are free and access to lounge area on floor 3 with some wine food beer drinks. Rooms are big and very fresh. Bathroom has a high standard and seem quit newly renovated. Breakfast is not the best selection BUT they do have a chef every morning to make u a fresh omelette or scrambled eggs that is a huge plus!

  • Chowder Rule

    Chowder Rule


    I´ve been there for a business trip, so my company booked a single room wich was small but well designed so that the small size was not unconfortable. The breakfast was excellent and the staff was very thoughful and friendly. I´ve also stayed at Park Inn wich is also a great hotel, but i prefer the Mercure because it´s more central, so you can walk to the inner city without extra transportation.

  • Rajmund Mirdala

    Rajmund Mirdala


    Glad to stay here for a day. Everything was fine. Comfortable and clean rooms, delicious food, kind and prompt staff. Hotel has parking for guests though it is paid. Good location makes it easy to get to the city centre fast. While not cheap you pay for good services.

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