McDonald's i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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11, Jugoslávská, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +42
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0755882, Longitude: 14.4318456

kommentar 5

  • Leigh Whinham

    Leigh Whinham


    If you are going to charge people to use the toilet, then make sure the toilet roll hasn't run out, there isn't toilet paper and rubbish all over the floor, and the place isn't stinking of urine. Disgusting.

  • Ondřej Malinský

    Ondřej Malinský


    it is a very good mcdonalds restaurant. the staff is always nice to me, even remember my usual order.

  • Katie Cruz

    Katie Cruz


    Slowest McDonalds ever. Waited over 20 minutes for fries. Fries undercooked and soggy. Huge queue, but staff moved at a snail’s pace and were joking and talking with each other while the # of orders grew and grew. Very young, incompetent staff. Avoid this McDonalds!

  • Dominik Spiral

    Dominik Spiral


    Worst McDonald's I've ever been to. Large queues and understaffed. The Big Mac I got was falling apart and we had to restack the whole thing ourselves, the fries were undercooked and soggy. But the worst thing was the environment, the place was a garbage dump! Dirty trays, greasy napkins and empty burger boxes were stacked into towers on each table and seat, people were pusbing them to the ground and sitting among garbage.

  • en

    Olga Verbova


    McDonalds na jednicku,man ho strasne rada. Super.

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