Loreto Prague i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietLoreto Prague



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7, Loretánské náměstí, 118 00, Praha 1, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 220 516 740
internet side: www.loreta.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.089239, Longitude: 14.39151

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lara Jerromes


    Ummm, rude staff to say the least. Some beautiful artifacts but not worth the entry fee. I was literally thrown out of the church by a small angry woman because I was taking a photograph which apparently I was not allowed to do. She said, ‘is it so difficult to read a sign that’s says you need a permit to take photos??’ I was like um... I have not seen one sign around here but okay, I will put my phone away, I am sorry and she say said, ‘NO SORRY... GET OUT!!’ Genuinely didn’t see any signs the whole way around but nevermid... don’t bother. At least you didn’t have to pay to use the loo! Hence the one star... oh and they need to get a duster around there as it is filthy

  • Carlos Villalobos

    Carlos Villalobos


    Honestly, I only came here to see the crucified bearded female saint. Although it is a beautiful church, the saint was all that was on my mind.

  • Ian White

    Ian White


    Like many of the buildings in Prague, the architecture of the exterior is a good guide to what you will find inside and this a prime example. The Loreta houses among other things a fine collection of Church Monstrances and reliquaries with good labels explaining their origin and purpose. Entrance is reasonably priced and I recommend that if you do go in you buy the guide as it is difficult to fermenter everything that you saw afterwards. Photography in the vault is not permitted.

  • Kelvin Eagleton

    Kelvin Eagleton


    Very well worth the visit and cost. There is many exhibits with good explanation in English. You can spend a good 1 - 2 hours here. The staff are friendly. There is a charge of 100kc if you want to take photos and you aren't allowed to use tripod.

  • Eric Leblond

    Eric Leblond


    Interesting visit. Inside really worth the ticket.

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