Le Clan i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietLe Clan



🕗 åbningstider

23, Balbínova, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Tjekkiet
kontakter telefon: +420 222 251 226
internet side: www.leclan.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.0790623, Longitude: 14.4353217

kommentar 5

  • Henrik Hansson

    Henrik Hansson


    Awesome after hours club that really gets rocking at 5 am. Open until very, very late :)

  • Hana Buskova

    Hana Buskova


    Great club, barmaids speak English. The music is a bit dull, but if your main goal isn't to dance (or if you're drunk enough), it doesn't really matter. Also, I lost my phone there and they gave it back! ❤

  • Branislav Tomaniček

    Branislav Tomaniček


    Best after club for dance chill whatever.... by open mind!!

  • en

    Foued Kef


    Best late club in prague. Nice design. Nice people. Take a table in the smoking room. And by weekend go there late (after 3am).

  • en

    Ana Carolina DAngeles


    In Czech Republic you can expect people being a bit rude. But nothing can be compared as the guy working at the door the this club. I know they have a hard job, but I but is not justifiable to treat people as dogs!! I had an expensive flash that I bought in Scotland in my purse. The flask was completely empty. I opened and showed that was nothing inside. The guy insisted I had to leave it at the door. While I was considering if was worth it to go inside because I had many things stolen in Prague clubs already the guy started to push me away screaming like the a jerk. I there was no line BTW. Very agressive. One thing is to avoid drunk people to make a mess in the place. Another is to pick up a fight with girls on the door for no reason. How is that helping the club be safer I don't know.

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