Javánka i Hlavní město Praha

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Máchova, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Tschechien
kontakter telefon: +420 251 550 249
internet side: www.javanka.eu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.072336, Longitude: 14.4427836

kommentar 5

  • Ranylt Richildis

    Ranylt Richildis


    I love this spot and came more than once when I stayed nearby for a month. Food is lovely, interior is cozy and the staff play great music. They also make an effort to serve local ingredients and brews. I can't recommend it enough if charm is your angle. This place is obviously run with love.

  • Milica Maric

    Milica Maric


    This place is so usual but at the same time so unusual. Everything there is so easy and simple. Staff is so enthusiastic, pleasant and choose so sweet music. And the most important,food is delicious, well served. Explosion of well bleded tastes and fresh ingredients served in comfortable atmosphere is good way to have a snippet of exotic in medieval Prague.

  • Lino



    Very good Indonesian food in Prague, I ordered Javanka they served rice with rendang, sayur buncis, and gado-gado in one plate. I'm surprised. Very good way to satisfy your self goodness

  • Robert Havalda

    Robert Havalda


    Perfektné miesto, skvelá majiteľka, prostredie, dobré ceny a hlavne veľmi chutné jedlo. Chodím sem pravidelne a vždy sa rád vraciam. Okrem toho som mal možnosť cestovať do Indonézie a môžem anaylzovať že chuť pokrmov je dosť autentická. Za mňa palec hore !

  • cs

    Iva Šplíchalová


    Moje nejoblibenejsi restaurace v Praze s uklidnujici atmosferou. Kdyz jsem tam byla poprve, tak jsem byla unesena novymi chutemi v pro me neznamych kombinacich. Po navstevne Indonesie musim rict, ze chute i kombinace jsou opravdu autenticke. Po probehle rekonstrukci je prostor restaurace jeste krasnejsi nez drive. Nejvetsi podil na atmosfere restaurace ma vzdy skvele naladena pani majitelka a personal. Z menu rozhodne doporucuji Javanku, polevku Sate Ayam nebo salat Gado-Gado.

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