Hotel Paris Prague i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietHotel Paris Prague



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1, U Obecního domu, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 222 195 195
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0881635, Longitude: 14.4274964

kommentar 5

  • Retha Luus

    Retha Luus


    Beautiful grand dame that immediately transports you to a different time the moment you walk through her doors. The grand staircase leads the way to the beautifully appointed rooms that are a mix of old world charm and new world comforts. The Sarah Bernhardt restaurant must be visited while there. The food and wine are sublime and the ambience created by the grand piano being played so beautifully in the background, rounds off the experience perfectly. A truly special hotel to visit in the beautiful Prague

  • Andrea G

    Andrea G


    Everything that could be saved from the Art deco period has been duly restored; the hotel is now a real jewel of times past delivered to the demanding art tourists circling in central Europe in 2018. I am really impressed by the efforts of Prague municipality in restoring this beautiful city!

  • Kees van den Bosch

    Kees van den Bosch


    I was there before the Iron curtain fell. Even then a good hotel. Classic style. Much better now, though. The perfect location in Prague.

  • en

    Duncan Stonier


    A really good location within an easy walk of the Old Town and main railway station. Loved the art-deco styling, staff were helpful and attentive when needed. Much more fun to stay in than a modern chain hotel. I'd happily stay there again.

  • Matthew Polus

    Matthew Polus


    We really enjoyed our stay at Hotel Paris Prague...5 star for sure! We were particularly drawn to the décor: a beautiful art deco style reminiscent of the 1920s (all the furnishings were a very high quality). The hotel was quiet, but also centrally located to Old Town. The breakfast was a fantastic mix with an omelet bar and typical northern European fare (smoke salmon and other pickled fish). We wouldn't hesitate to stay here again!

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