Hotel ibis Praha Old Town i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietHotel ibis Praha Old Town


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5, Na Poříčí, 110 00, Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 266 000 999
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0893999, Longitude: 14.4308875

kommentar 5

  • Bill Newnes

    Bill Newnes


    Central for easy access to Prague. Clean and tidy rooms. Good selection of food at breakfast. Right next door to a huge shopping mall called palladium.

  • en

    Noam Nahum


    For what you get from the price this place is great. The rooms are cheap and big enough for two couple to stay. The location of the hotel is amazing and can’t be any better. The service is nice and kind and 24/7.

  • Arun Gupta

    Arun Gupta


    We stayed in this hotel during summer 2016. This hotel is situated in old town but little away from hustle bustle of main town area/clubs. everything is nearby whether it be main railway station, metro, tram, buses. Bus stand is just adjacent to the hotel. I love this city more than any city in Europe and this hotel added charm due to its proximity with all attractions nearby. I would give five stars for the location of this Hotel. of course other things like Rooms, facilities, food etc. are standard as per IBIS's standards across the globe. I would prefer to stay again in this hotel.

  • en

    Mohamed El Sabbagh


    I stayed there for a business trip, good hotel, central location, right next to the main mall, good breakfast, just quite too many tourists at time

  • Lior Herman

    Lior Herman


    Excellent location and walking distance to many attractions. The room was comfortable and clean and staff was friendly and helpful. Breakfast is basic but good. The hotel can improve on hot water.

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