Hotel Golden Rooster i Mladá Boleslav

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietHotel Golden Rooster


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31, Železná, 293 01, Mladá Boleslav, Mladá Boleslav, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 326 721 937
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Latitude: 50.41092, Longitude: 14.903536

kommentar 5

  • Jan Platoš

    Jan Platoš


    A Hotel at the square. I got the smallest room, but I know it in advance. The breakfast not bad but may be better

  • Raffaele Ricatto

    Raffaele Ricatto


    If you plan to stay more than one night change hotel. Breakfast his very poor, cold dish and seem not fresh. Room and furniture very old and you get only small towel also for shower. In the breakfast room is freezing.

  • Andrew Khomchuk

    Andrew Khomchuk


    Nice place to stay. Old rustic building. Big room with a great view. Located right in the center thus many things just nearby. Not a huge choice for breakfast but all needed is there. Free underground parking right in front, only have to take tickets on the reception. When I arrived there were couple things NOK in my room which they fixed in 2 hours when I was away. Good!!! Daytime a bit cold inside as they whitch on heating only for the night (it was +5 +8 outside). Next time in Mlada I come back again.

  • en

    Ethan Grar


    Very comfort beds and good restaurant nearby

  • Emmanouil Kastrinakis

    Emmanouil Kastrinakis


    Decent hotel with nice rooms. Though some are small, so it is recommended to ask before booking. Breakfast is nice.

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