Hotel Budweis i České Budějovice

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietHotel Budweis


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Mlýnská, 370 01, České Budějovice, České Budějovice, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 389 822 111
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.9768144, Longitude: 14.4712734

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vivian Gilliam


    It's a very nice place and the food is excellent.

  • Barbora Moravcová

    Barbora Moravcová


    Great location. Tasty breakfast.

  • en

    Наташа Путина


    Nice place, good value for the price. Meticulously clean, friendly staff and very central i.e. close to the old city but quiet place. You can take a walk along the river, a pond with humorous sculpures is just opposite the entrance.

  • Fabio Spizzo

    Fabio Spizzo


    Overnight stay during a trip between between Prague and northern Italy... a nice surprise! Garage, clean, comfortable rooms, a good restaurant with international and local food. What else? I will for sure stop again when in the area.

  • pepa koupal

    pepa koupal


    Nice historical building, modern rooms and very good kitchen in city center. I especially enjoy the traditional season meal menus.

nærmeste Cafe

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