Hotel BoHo i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietHotel BoHo


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4, Senovážná, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Tschechien
kontakter telefon: +420 234 622 600
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0861255, Longitude: 14.4294581

kommentar 5

  • Christa Burger

    Christa Burger


    My husband and I went on a sightseeing trip for two nights and were quite surprised by this hotel. It's really well designed - both visually and for ease of use, and the service is superb. They have in every aspect an eye for the details which I really appreciate. These are the things that stood out for me: - The rooms are unusually large. The bed is quite comfortable with thick pillows. The shower is spacious with a rain shower and a handheld showerhead. The towels are very large and bathrobes and slippers are provided. - There was a free bottle of water every day (although the bottle from the previous day was not empty) - The beds are made a second time in the afternoon to prepare for the night (removing day blanket, closing the curtains). They also leave chocolate or brownies ;) and the weather forecast for the next day. - There is a library next to the restaurant which can be used throughout the day and where coffee, water and croissants are available for free. - The breakfast buffet is quite impressive and contains everything you could wish for. Additionally to coffee (or tea) there was also a bottle of orange juice and glasses on every table.

  • Christian Milewskyj

    Christian Milewskyj


    Tolles Hotel, grandioser Service

  • Marko Sawall

    Marko Sawall


    Modernes Hotel in sehr guter Lage mitten in der Stadt. Frühstück ist reichhaltig und hochwertig. Unbedingt am Abend einen Cocktail an der Lobby-Bar trinken!

  • Werner Knoblich

    Werner Knoblich


    Zentral gelegen, bester freundlicher Service und schöne, moderne Zimmer. Eine Empfehlung wert!

  • de

    Peter Maier


    Schönes Hotel, sehr schöne zimmer

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