Hotel Anna Prague i Vinohrady

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TjekkietHotel Anna Prague



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796/17, Budečská, 120 00, Vinohrady, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 222 513 111
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.074677, Longitude: 14.4418829

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yash Dubey


    The hotel is located conveniently from the subway and tram stations and just about 2kms from the Old Town. The service is exceptional and the staff is very helpful. The rooms are spacious and comfortably furnished. Breakfast is served every morning in a beautifully appointed garden.

  • prcc2001



    They need to be more transparent about the car parking, had to park at the main train station which was a subway stop plus a ten minute walk away. No a/c in room would not recomend for a mid summer stay. Reception was curt. Breakfast ok but nothing special.

  • Glenn Jakins

    Glenn Jakins


    Clean, comfortable and spacious rooms. Good breakfast. Helpful and friendly staff. Within walking distance of many restaurants. Easy access to subway

  • Catriona Squires

    Catriona Squires


    Hotel Anna was in a convenient area of Prague close to metro station (only 2 stops into the old town), shops, bars and restaurants. Staff were friendly and helpful. Price was reasonable and a wide range of food and drinks were available for breakfast in a buffet style. Breakfast was in a lovely bright conservatory at the rear of the hotel. We found the hotel very clean and warm.

  • en

    Viviana Macripó


    Very welcoming and comfortable hotel. It is in a great area for those who want to visit Prague for a few days. It is in a great location: near the subway, bus stop, supermarkets or restaurants and bars. The only flaw is the breakfast a bit 'poor. If you have special dietary needs, you should specify them in the reservation.

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