Holiday Inn Brno i Jihomoravský kraj

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TjekkietHoliday Inn Brno


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Křížkovského, 603 00, Brno-město, Jihomoravský kraj, CZ Chequia
kontakter telefon: +420 543 122 111
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.184364, Longitude: 16.580369

kommentar 5

  • Tom Krop

    Tom Krop


    The service in restaurant was superb. The chef on the other hand was less than happy to be there. The furniture would deserve an update. The meal was good but i was not convinced by the value for money. UPDATE after Holiday Inn reply: While i do not know what were the circumstances at the time of my visit, The chef just shouldn't have become so vocal about things that bothered him. I'm adding stars, because the Holiday Inn shows that they care, which is something that can't be said about most.

  • Kathy Gao

    Kathy Gao


    I really enjoyed my stay here. The rooms are spacious and comfortable. But the best part about my stay were the friendly and extremely helpful staff. They really helped us during our stay with calling taxis and arranging other kinds of transportation. Would definitely stay here again!

  • Michala Kochanská

    Michala Kochanská


    Dobrý deň prajem celému teamu v hoteli Holliday inn Brno, chcela by som touto cestou velmi pekne a srdecne podakovat a pozdravit p. Zanetu /blond vlasy/ z recepcie, jej kolegom mladsim panom, p. casnicke z restauracie meno neviem /blond brckave vlasy/ a pani upratovackam. Bola som s rodinou a tromi detmi na dovolenku u Vas ubytovany v case od 29.3.2018-31.3.2018. Osobne som v Brne nikdy v zivote nebola, trosku vacsie mesto ako som cakala. Mate tam vela pamiatok, atrakcii pre deti, svoj cas sme naplno vyuzili. Tak krasne, cisto a profesionalny pristup som este nevideli. Poprosim odovzdajte pochvalu svojim pracovnikom hlavne p. Zanete, ktora si svoju pracu vykonavala maximalne profesionalne, v kazdej veci bola maximalne ustretova, vzdy s usmevom, a ja som narocny clovek, tych poziadaviek bolo viac nez dost. Dakujem aj Vas za tak krasnu dovolenku. S pozdravom

  • en

    David Thomas


    Rooms are well proportioned and there is plenty of space to hang clothes etc. Tea and coffee making facilities in the room are appreciated. In room refrigerator is closed and sealed with a zip tie and opening is for minibar items only. This means you can't use the refrigerator for anything else which is disappointing. Hotel WiFi is generally a good standard and fast enough for working. Overall standard of room cleaning is good, though cleaning during a stay is more basic (room doesn't seem to be vacuumed during stay). A negative, or at least something to be aware of, is the high temperature that the rooms are kept at. It isn't possible to turn this heating down within the room, but thankfully windows can be opened to cool the space (which feels bizarre when it's -12C outside!). Toiletries provided were also a little basic - notably no moisturizer/lotion and no washcloths. Front desk staff are friendly and helpful, restaurant staff were efficient, bar staff were disinterested. Overall this hotel is a solid 4 star review, but not a 5.

  • Aaron Gordillo

    Aaron Gordillo


    Muy bonito hotel , limpio , bueno y práctico

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