Four Seasons Hotel Prague i Praha 1 - Staré Město

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TjekkietFour Seasons Hotel Prague



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2a, Veleslavínova, 110 00, Praha 1 - Staré Město, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 221 427 000
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.087663, Longitude: 14.4145703

kommentar 5

  • David Tseng

    David Tseng


    Unbelievable good services here. There is one time that my shoes got mud on it. I ask the room service that where can I clean it. The next thing I know is they come here and got my shoes cleaned after half of hour. For the room, there is many port of usb charger that is very very convenient for travelers. The weather notice note on the bed everyday is also cheerful. In total, this is the best hotel experience I had.

  • Sami malik

    Sami malik


    The Four Seasons Prague is an extraordinary hotel located on the river in prague with castle views and a 5 star staff. Every detail was attended to, every request handled with personalized attention. The room and the entire hotel were beautifully appointed.Beautiful reception area with their signature flower displays give you a lovely welcome when you arrive.We didn’t eat here except for breakfast one day, and it was well presented in a buffet style. Cocktails at the bar were delicious and inventive - very impressed.Staff were friendly and helpful, and happy to help with the smallest detail.Within easy walking distance of all major sights and shops.

  • Владислав Забелин

    Владислав Забелин


    Nice stay, very cozy and lovely lobby area. Amazing doorman/bellman staff. Great FS as all hotels of this chain.

  • Sofiya Shazal

    Sofiya Shazal


    Stayed here for a few days to celebrate a birthday weekend, and wasn't disappointed at all. The staff were all extremely friendly and helpful, and took care of our every need. The restaurant next to the hotel serves up absolutely delicious food. Everything from our room view to the decor inside was picturesque. Would definitely recommend.

  • en

    Katia Ramirez


    Always happy with this hotel. I love their service, amenities, views, location beds, etc etc. The location is perfect because you can walk little bit and soon you will be at the center of the main square to see the watch in the building, all the local stores and restaurants. The main bridge is in front of the hotel., so the view is preatty cool. The hotel had a nice bar if you want to hang out before or after your plans outside.

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