European Laundry i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietEuropean Laundry



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36, Nuselská, 140 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 773 038 141
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0621952, Longitude: 14.4448358

kommentar 4

  • Arak Rachael

    Arak Rachael


    No haters to lie and trick you. Sometimes you have to wait for the washing machine, because there are only 2 washing machines and 2 dryers, but its rear and there is free internet. The prices are a bit high though: 150czk for 14kg, 125czk for 10kg. There is no smaller option. The dryer is 50czk for 15 minutes. The washing powder is added by the washing machine, you do not need to bring your own. There are seats and instructions in English. The smaller washing machine is easier to operate. They work from 8:00 to 21:00.

  • Lukas Fil

    Lukas Fil


    Washing was okay, but the drying cycle on the medium setting was insufficient and our laundry was still wet. When I called the line, explaining that adequate information about setting the machine was missing, I was told I should have called to ask before using the drier. No apology or compensation was offered, only excuses. The guy on the line promised to call back which he didn't. Promising concept, but lacking interest in customer feedback. Edit: tumble dryer never reaches a sufficient temperature, which makes it rather useless.

  • Gaston Lemo

    Gaston Lemo


    Nice place, clean, air conditioner and complimentary internet.

  • Kateřina Franzlová

    Kateřina Franzlová


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