EUC Premium i Jihomoravský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietEUC Premium



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Jánská 2, 602 00 Brno-Brno-střed, Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 222 300 300
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.1939373, Longitude: 16.6094228

kommentar 5

  • en

    Csaba Dudas


    Dentist care at EUC is either overpriced or they just wanted to get rid of me, estimated price for one tooth is 16K czk,

  • en

    Gwen LG


    Top! Great experience with them. Doctors, staff and nurses speak English quite well and are friendly, uncomplicated.

  • Veronika Vercasia

    Veronika Vercasia


    I used to be satisfied with the services (mostly specialists) for years but not anymore. I went there with illness and I got inappropriate treatment, 3 different doctors treated me. And almost every one of them asked me why I dont have my own practitioner, like I would be a burden. Although there are few good specialists and like two or three good practitioners, I dont recommend the clinic.

  • Jan Pagac

    Jan Pagac


    The only premium service really provided is that they speak English. Otherwise very similar experience as previous reviewer: "Nice environment. And that's pretty much everything nice about EUC Premium. It is imposible to make an appointment for the enxt day. In the best case you get such in a week. No matter what is your case, they just say "we do not have the doctor now, we'll have it in one week" . If you need an X-ray or similar exam this might take a month. And if you insist on a sooner date, they just tell you to go to hospital/clinic. The only good service they provide is the physiotherapy, nothing else!"

  • en

    Георги Колев


    Nice environment. And that's pretty much everything nice about EUC Premium. It is imposible to make an appointment for the enxt day. In the best case you get such in a week. No matter what is your case, they just say "we do not have the doctor now, we'll have it in one week" . If you need an X-ray or similar exam this might take a month. And if you insist on a sooner date, they just tell you to go to hospital/clinic. The only good service they provide is the physiotherapy, nothing else!

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