Czech School of Management and Science i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietCzech School of Management and Science



🕗 åbningstider

4, Francouzská, 120 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 222 560 637
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.074483, Longitude: 14.4377901

kommentar 5

  • en

    Muna Km


    The college has a safe and welcoming atmosphere. They lead a informative yet relaxed teaching style. All my teachers were dedicated, supportive and trustworthy individuals; they took every possible opportunity to help improve a students experience at the college. It has excellent resources and sure does push you beyond what you are capable of to make a difference. They definitely build my self-esteem and confidence; and also prepared me for the next step of my life.

  • Saikumar t

    Saikumar t


    CSMS is the right place in Prague to continue my studies. Getting a world-class education from the highly professional and experienced tutors is something I was looking for. The quality of study materials and the entire learning environment is absolutely fantastic. I am enjoying studying here.

  • en

    Simran Kaur


    Good place in the center of Prague, professional lecturers, friendly students. In this college you have enough time to concentrate not only on the curriculum of the course, but also on the topics you are interested in outside the curriculum and the lecturers will help you to manage all the questions you have.

  • en

    Mallika Singh


    Great place. Locations are very interesting and simple to understand, qualification of lecturers is very high, many good examples and group work. I sure that knowledge that I get here would make enormous impact on my future.

  • en

    uk study


    Great atmosphere and very well designed courses which will help students to enhance their career. I will recommend everyone to follow courses in this institution.

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