City-Inn i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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13, Hybernská, 110 00, Praha 1, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 224 216 776
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0874628, Longitude: 14.4326981

kommentar 5

  • en

    Adam Pastyřík


    Try to look for something else. Reception is in the 2nd floor, the elevator is really slow, some weird smell is everywhere and you have to pay for the internet (or use 500 MB free at 256Kbit). At least the room was clean and receptionsts were kind.

  • en

    William Berggren


    Not very good food, not working lights or fans or showers. Bad service

  • Taras Bebko

    Taras Bebko


    Great place if you simply need to spend the night and don't plan on staying in the room to enjoy the room. Go and enjoy the city. Room was very clean. Bathroom is small BUT recently remodeled. Very clean. Room is basic, beds were nice. Very utilitarian. Stay for the breakfast- no thrills here but gets you the basics. Enjoy the city, sleep here.

  • en

    Shaza Walid


    The location of the hotel is ideal and close to the tram and train stations and the city center. The rooms are spacious. However, the internet is absolutely terrible all around the hotel. I cannot even send a Whatsapp text. The room is not cleaned well after the room service do their job. There's always a weird odor in the corridor. The breakfast is not that great.

  • en

    Estelle Arnault


    Good location as in city center and all destinations are reachable by feet. Breakfast with lot of different choice, hot and cold, sweet and salty. Small rooms and tiny bathroom but match with the booking fee. Be aware of old Czech building where they built thin walls where you can hear your neighbor without any issue. 😊

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