Cinema City i Praha 1 – Nové město

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietCinema City


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22, Na Příkopě, 110 00, Praha 1 – Nové město, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 255 742 021
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0863868, Longitude: 14.4274021

kommentar 5

  • en

    Karthik Parthasarathy


    You need to check for English version before buying your tickets. Sound effect is good.

  • Zee Jutt

    Zee Jutt


    Wow 4dx effects movies options are the best here............... loveeeeeelyyyyy

  • Perle Noire

    Perle Noire


    Nice staff and helpful, comfy seat, but expensive food, but the location is ideal:)

  • en

    Natalia Danilovich


    Very nice and cosy movie theatre with two levels: downstairs there are smaller screens and they only sell popcorn, nachos and some sweets, while upstairs there are three big screens and also a cafe where you can sit down for tea, coffee, beer or wine before the movie. In addition to regular popcorn, nachos and small sweets, upstairs they serve sandwiches and cake. The interior is new and shiny, personnel is quite friendly. If you don’t speak Czech, don’t lose hope. All English (and other foreign) movies in Czech Republic are shown with subtitles, except movies for kids - those are dubbed. Besides, in this branch of Cinema City, they often show new Czech movies with English subtitles, so foreigners can also see them.

  • Jaromír Salamon

    Jaromír Salamon


    Excellent place where to go to even ad hoc to see the movies when you have enough old town exploration or enough of shopping...

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