Casino Atrium i Praha 8

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietCasino Atrium



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1, Pobřežní, 186 00, Praha 8, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 224 810 988
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0934962, Longitude: 14.4399763

kommentar 5

  • Владислав Забелин

    Владислав Забелин


    So small casino!! there are just 2 slots machines, couple tables with roulette. But plus: area for cash poker game. So, may recommend just for poker game. Not for funny gambling

  • Emmanouil N. Gouvianakis

    Emmanouil N. Gouvianakis


    Unfriendly / rude staff. No one is smiling there. unprofessional behavior from the reception.

  • en

    Elena Moser


    Worst experience ever. You are not allowed to smile in this Casino. The vibe ia misrable. The staff unbelievable unfriendly. We spent there 10 min and felt so unwelcome and left.

  • en

    Terry Johnston


    This casino appeared to be used mainly by regular locals who sat at the poker table eating take away food which had been purchased close by. The persons eating where not playing poker but just sitting next to their buddys chatting. If this was not off putting enough I had 2 or more persons standing directly behind me chatting to one or more persons at the poker table. As for the stoney face of the man running the roulette table he needs sent to customer relations school. So if you like to watch guys eat noodles at the poker table then you will love this place.

  • en

    Lin Da Quynd


    Poker in Prague is about to change forever. This place is so much more than a poker room. It's a poker destination! Well run poker room. Casino quality dining and the friendliest bar service in town. There's something for everyone, even the wives want to hang out and socialize here.

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